Application Security

Protect your business from costly hacking events and application downtime

Keep customer data secure and build customer confidence

While application security is mostly about mitigating risk from both internal and third-party sources, it also maintains your brand image by keeping your customer data secure, which builds customer confidence

How do most businesses find out they have insufficient application security controls or practices? Well, either your IT partner or team carries out a penetration test where the report comes back with lots of red flags – or you get hacked. This could happen for a range of reasons that lead to gaps in your IT security. Assuming you don't want to be hacked, it is best practice to engage a partner such as The Missing Link to help close these security gaps.

Risk mitigation: All apps introduce risk. Designers might not have anticipated the risks or have left vulnerabilities simply due to a lack of expertise. 

At The Missing Link, we can operate in-depth testing from the start and run reports on your existing app landscape.

Application testing: We use the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) Project, which provides a basis for testing web application technical security controls and provides developers with a list of secure development requirements. 

Get it right and protect your data: Why is application security so important? Simply because today's applications are more sophisticated and often available across various networks or through the cloud. This increases vulnerabilities and leaves businesses open to security threats and breaches.

Application security testing is the safety net that can show gaps or weaknesses in the application, offering opportunities to prevent these attacks. 

Your partner in Application Security

Having proper application security principles is no longer a luxury or a "nice extra". It is VITAL that all businesses have some application security elements built into their IT strategy.

Protect your business from sensitive data leaks and reputation damage

Sophisticated protection from hackers

With correct application security principles, businesses can protect themselves from costly hacking events or application downtime.

Reduce costly fix-ups

Correcting and managing security breaches is a costly and embarrassing outcome. A better strategy is to ensure you have the best application security processes and controls from the start.  

Better user experience

When you are not spending time and money fixing up vulnerabilities, it leaves space to focus on building the best user experience possible instead.

Confidence in your brand

Automation is the heart of SecDevOps, which believes processes enhance the development experience, not hinder it. This maintains your brand image by keeping your customer data secure, which in turn builds customer confidence.  


  • What is an application vulnerability? And how do application security risks occur in the? first place? 

    Unfortunately, some applications risks can be unwittingly introduced by designers and developers throughout the software development life cycle. Penetration testing hopefully catches the issue – but if not, then hackers exploit it. 

  • How does application security work?

    Application security is the process of protecting apps against different security threats that exploit vulnerabilities in an application's code. Ideally, application security starts before users get access to apps, but application security can also look at ongoing updates, patches, and protections.  

  • What are the best practices to mitigate vulnerabilities?

    At the very least, applications should be designed securely from the start, and developers should know how to code securely so common problems aren't introduced. The above combined with appropriate processes and controls throughout the development life cycle, ensures vulnerabilities are caught and remediated early. It's also a good idea to engage talented security professionals who know what attackers will try and how to avoid those attacks. This way, any missed or exotic vulnerabilities are also caught early in the development cycle.  

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