Vulnerability Management as a Service

A managed solution to reduce your attack surface and improve your security posture

Identify, manage and remediate vulnerabilities in your IT environment

IT and security managers are under pressure to rapidly patch systems, maintain configuration management best practice

However, they are struggling to keep pace with new patches and updates – At the same time, they are under pressure to provide near 100% availability of key business systems.

Our Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) provides an automated and human augmented service to scan your environment for security vulnerabilities continuously.

The first step to understanding your company's potential attack surface is to understand what systems have vulnerabilities continuously and then rapidly identify which ones to remediate and when or how to prioritise them.

Our bespoke Security Operations Centre (SOC) is the backbone of our VMaaS offering. We leverage industry-leading technologies to provide real-time, proactive detection, analysis, and response to threats while simultaneously detecting and preempting these malicious activities.

Our end-to-end coverage ensures we can scale to any organisations requirements from small to enterprise level. Multi-level service packages allow you to get the best coverage for your business maturity without paying too much.

Your partner in compliance regulations

We can ensure you’re compliant with the Cyber Essentials key controls to mitigate cyber attacks on your business.

Many compliance regulations and cyber security frameworks such as PCI and NIST, also list a vulnerability management program as a crucial step to protecting your organisation's intellectual property.

Results with intelligent, driven context

Improve detection time

Reduce the time to detect vulnerable systems in your environment​.

Efficient remediation

Prioritise and streamline remediation efforts with vulnerability analysis and intelligence gathering.

Increase compliance

We can ensure you’re compliant with the Cyber Essentials key controls.

Real context

Leverage researchers' insights into the threat landscape and recent attacker methods.

Perfect Partner Experience