Operation Technology Security

Build resilience and protect your operational technology infrastructure and industrial control systems with our specialised security services

Increase your monitoring and control capabilities

Operational Technology (OT) refers to computing systems that are used to manage industrial operations

While it may seem that OT is a new thing, it’s actually been around for a while. OT is already part of our everyday life – you can see it in the transportation industry, as well as the oil & gas, mining, and utility industries. It’s built into the design of facilities and office buildings.

OT has evolved over time to become more agile. OT can be used to monitor and control hardware remotely and can streamline your systems in order to enable you to operate more efficiently. OT can also enable the operational data to be turned into helpful insights to drive operational efficiency and competitive advantage, and help reduces unplanned downtime by monitoring for early signs of trouble then act quickly.

Our team at The Missing Link want to help you secure your OT with best practices, reduce downtime, and assist you to connect valuable data with results. We look to specify, commission and maintain systems that improve the safety, efficiency and performance of an organisations OT network.

OT can help to bring systems together which then enables an organisation to streamline their processes. By operating more efficiently, organisations can be more productive. When looking for OT support, we recommend that you look for a partner that can offer solutions that will help you achieve best practices for securing their networks.

At The Missing Link, we use OT security to protect your business against cyberattacks, and we provide comprehensive OT network visualization and asset inventory.

Your partner in OT Security

Our solution is designed to automate, monitor, and manage industrial machinery operations, using custom protocols and software to communicate with legacy and proprietary systems.

Automate, monitor and manage cyber hygiene across your OT environment

Streamlined systems

OT can help to bring systems together, which then enables an organisation to streamline its processes. By operating more efficiently, organisations can be more productive.

Secure OT best practices

Ensure all your operational systems are using the best practices within the industry, and ensure your devices are always using the latest security.

Improved data

OT data can help enable the development of valuable insights which can be used to drive operational efficiency and competitive advantage.

Reduce unplanned downtime

OT security can help reduce unplanned downtime by monitoring for early signs of trouble then act quickly.


  • What are the Components of Operational Technology (OT)? 

    The main component of operational technology include Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). ICS comprises systems that are used to manage a variety of industrial processes including site conveyor belts or alarms from building information systems. These are often managed by SCADA systems which provide a user-friendly interface to observe the status of the system and control functions.

  • What is OT integration?

    IT and OT integration look at Information Technology (IT) systems with Operational Technology (OT) systems. While IT systems are used for data-centric computing, OT systems monitor events, processes and devices, and make adjustments in enterprise and industrial operations.  

  • What should you look for when choosing an OT security vendor?

    Look for a partner that can offer solutions to help you achieve best practices for securing your networks. At The Missing Link, we identify assets, classify them, and prioritise value to help you to segment the network.

Perfect Partner Experience