Cloud Security Services

Protect your cloud network from the risk of attack with our state-of-the-art cloud security services

Secure, control, and monitor your cloud applications

The Missing Link partners with world-leading vendors to procure and configure security solutions that protect cloud environments from unauthorised access and attack

Cloud networks have become mainstream, with 85% of web traffic now taking place on public, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure. For businesses, cloud environments are saving money, improving and accelerating innovation, and enabling a more agile workforce to meet market trends and competitive pressures.

However, traditional approaches to network security cannot keep up with rapidly changing cloud environments and the constant cyber-attack threat.

In recognition of the financial and reputational damage wreaked on individuals, organisations and government by cyber-offences, regulations now impose heavy fines for unreported data breaches. Additionally, many industries uphold best-practice security standards that companies must show evidence of attaining before they can bid for contracts.

This makes it essential to invest in sophisticated security products to protect your cloud environment - whether it’s a multi-cloud environment or a stand-alone public, private or hybrid cloud solution.

However, no matter how sophisticated your security software, your cloud will not be safe from cyber criminals unless you implement policies and controls to protect your unique environment.

At the Missing Link, we will customise an effective and holistic cybersecurity solution to protect your data and applications. Based on gathered intelligence about your business and your user needs, our security solution will include authentication of users and devices, managing access control for data and resources, automating provisioning and de-provisioning of users, and protecting data and applications with encryption. Importantly, as your cybersecurity experts, the solution we recommend will provide authorised users with streamlined access to the applications and websites they need to perform their role with efficiency.

The cloud environment we develop for you will monitor threats in real-time, include regular reviews and penetration testing to identify emerging vulnerabilities, and bolster your team’s resistance to security risks with awareness programs and training.

Your partner in Cloud Security

The Missing Link is your cloud service partner. We will work with you to customise and manage a security solution to protect your cloud environment.

A holistic security solution to protect your cloud environment

An encrypted solution to protect data

Your cloud security platform protects business information by encrypting data, whether it’s at rest or in transit across wireless or wired networks.

Managed and controlled access

Your cloud security solution will prevent unwelcome access to apps, websites and data while providing streamlined access for authorised cloud computing.

Threats identified in real-time

Unauthorised access will be identified in real-time and supported by alerts so your team can take action to protect your cloud environment.

Support and awareness to mitigate risks

Staff training, online and in the classroom, phishing to test for email security, executive briefings and more will equip your staff to better manage and protect your cloud services.

A holistic approach to cloud computing

The Missing Link’s expert security consultants can review all of your security infrastructure - people, processes and technology - to mitigate security risks.


  • How does cloud security work?

    Cloud security solutions protect against sensitive data leakage and risks associated with unauthorised access to your managed cloud applications. Cloud computing security does this via a collection of measures customised to meet your business needs, cloud-based infrastructure, applications, and data. By acting as your cloud access security broker (CASB) and implementing controls, we minimise the risks of unauthorised users accessing your data. By identifying threats in real-time to websites, apps, networks and individual devices in different locations, we enable organisations to protect their confidential business content. By guiding remediation of security gaps, cloud security minimises the attack surface and eliminates lateral threat movement. By providing staff training, we bolster human firewalls.

  • What are the security risks of cloud computing?

    Cloud services are now mainstream, with software as a service (SaaS) the largest market segment. 85% of web traffic now comprises cloud activity, and increasingly, staff, suppliers and stakeholders have access to network content from their own devices outside the organisation. With all of this cloud-based activity, traditional approaches to application security cannot mitigate the risks, especially when multi-cloud environments are involved. The risks of a cyber-breach are significant and could be devastating to your business as hackers from around the world attempt to gain access to networks and valuable data using increasingly sophisticated strategies.

  • How can you solve the security problem in cloud computing?

    The Missing Link implements granular controls that prevent unauthorised access, accidental data leakage, and data theft, ensuring strong authentication measures, such as passwords, multi-factor authentication and single sign-on solutions. We also encrypt data to protect cloud networks from security risks. Our security solution will give your administrators a complete view of all user activity, as well as all internally and externally shared content. By integrating machine learning, threats will be recognised, and your team alerted 24/7 to unwanted behaviours and events.
    Regular external penetration testing and even red teaming may be recommended to identify emergent vulnerabilities and ensure timely remediation.

  • Can one of your existing cyber security solutions be adapted to work as a cloud computing security tool?

    The Missing Link works with the world’s most reliable vendors to customise cloud security solutions for each client. Depending on your business and cloud environment, an existing cyber security solution can potentially be adapted to meet your circumstances. Our security experts will be able to guide you through this. Ultimately, the customised security solution that The Missing Link develops for you will draw on contextual information about your web and app users, devices, activities, and data. Having gathered this intelligence, we can create policies and implement multi-layered security controls to mitigate your risks of an attack.

  • What are the major security services offered in the cloud?

    Standard cloud security services prevent customers from accessing each other’s cloud networks and vendor staff from doing the same. However, you need more than that to protect your cloud environment from unauthorised access. Customised cloud security services include implementing authentication and access management controls and encryption technology to protect customer orders, confidential documents, intellectual property, databases, financial records and more from being leaked. Major cloud security services also include regular penetration testing and even red teaming exercises to identify vulnerabilities, as well as staff training to ensure your human firewalls are as resilient as they can be.

  • How do you secure your cloud application?

    The Missing Link only partners with world-leading security vendors to procure security software that meets each client's needs. Our highly-trained security consultants will work closely with you to understand your cloud environment before recommending and configuring a security solution to protect your cloud environment. The security solution we implement will be supported by policies and technologies to mitigate risks and alert you to threats. Our security operations centre is available to provide external monitoring, and we recommend regular penetration testing to test for vulnerabilities. Where appropriate, red team activities can be used to identify emerging security gaps. To further bolster your security, the Missing Link provides tailored, modular cybersecurity awareness programs to educate staff about cyber-attack threats and test their capacity to minimise risks.

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